Mildred a shark

In order to simplify your use of the c2p system, it may be desirable to tell Mildred the number of a c2pWindow object to use as current. Once this has been done the system can assume to use that given c2pWindow object, saving the need to continually respecify which window to use in instructions such as Mc2pWindow.

Using MUsec2pWindows it is possible to specify one, two or three c2pWindow objects to use. This is to allow you to inform the library about up to three objects to use as current. However, currently only the first c2pWindow object will be used by the rest of the c2p system.

Possible syntax:
MUsec2pWindows Mainc2pWindow.w

MUsec2pWindows Mainc2pWindow.w, Secondc2pWindow.w

MUsec2pWindows Mainc2pWindow.w, Secondc2pWindow.w, Thirdc2pWindow.w

---- This is the number of the main c2pWindow object that you wish to use as current. This is taken to be the first c2pWindow that will be assumed by any routines that are able to do so. The number of the c2pWindow should be within a valid range, ranging from 0 up to the total number of windows minus 1.

Secondc2pWindow.w ---- This is the number of the second c2pWindow object that you wish to use as current.

Thirdc2pWindow.w ---- This is the number of the third c2pWindow object that you wish to use as current.

a shark